Introduction of High Speed internet over fiberoptic cable in Oman

16. 06. 14
Hits: 2941

Laserprojections reinforce videoprojection.

Internetprovider AWASR introduced the first fibreoptic High Speed Internetconnection in Gulfstate OMAN during a spectacular event in the capital Masqat.

For this event, organised by The Planners (Doha) in cooperation with Belgian AoE,  multilayered projections screens provided an unsurpassed 3D experience for the audience.

Lasershow Belgium designed the laserprojections in such a way that they enhanced the 3D experience of the viewers.  We used high-end laserprojectors to map images onto the videoprojection (both front and rear) and onto the stage decor.  

The audience clearly enjoyed the show and afterwards both the audience and all professionals agreed that this kind of laserprojection opens up new possibilities and opportunities in our business.